From the King and Queen

Greetings Avacal!

We raise our glasses in celebration and thanks to the populace of Avacal. To the skilled artisans who’s wares enrich the land. To the virtuous warriors who stand ever vigilant. To the noble officers who’s tireless work keep the dream alive. To the newcomers who chose to come out and join us for the first time, and to those who stayed, year after year, after year. To the teachers, the students, the elders, craftsmen, the merchants, the chefs, the brewers, the singers and songs. To the children, who will lead when we are gone. And to those who have led before. We raise our glasses. Thank you all.

Count Gunther and Countess Eyoddi, their names be praised have led this Kingdom well and in passing their duties to us now retire with our eternal gratitude. It is the greatest honor to serve Avacal as its new King and Queen. Know that during our reign we will strive to represent all of Avacal and its people and to make our Kingdom known to all as the shining jewel that it is. We look forward to challenges we will face. For Avacal is strong, its traditions and foundations run deep allowing us to embrace the new and build a Kingdom worthy of its people.

The future is just that, the future. No one can tell what might happen. But we can promise you this. We will always be there to listen and to lead. Know that any person, no matter what rank or station, will be heard by the Crown. For in as much as we are the sovereigns of Avacal we are in truth the servants of its people.

This we swear to you, the populace of Avacal.

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