Web Minister By Roya Ministry of the Web Web Minister Roya web@avacal.org Deputy Web Minister Segdae ua Faelain webdeputy@avacal.org Webteam For nonurgent issues webteam@avacal.org Branch Webministers Ayresgarde Vacant Please contact the local Seneschal. Bitter End Sechen Dogshin BitterEndWebMinister@gmail.com Bordergate Vacant Please contact the local Seneschal. Borealis Jean de Chauliac webminister@borealis.avacal.net Montengarde Mordecai Salzer Webminister@montengarde.org Myrgan Wood Stacia webminister@myrganwood.org Sandeshend Vacant Please contact the local Seneschal. Sigelhundas Sir Ivar the Black webminister@sigelhundas.org Valley Wold Vacant Please contact the local Seneschal. Vinjar Sloan Fenricksson vinjar.webminister@avacal.org Windwyrm Vacant Please contact the local Seneschal. Documents Website Feedback