New Fighter Authorization Cards

Good Morning Avacal,

The new fighter Authorization cards will be sent via email with instructions on how to print them should you want a physical copy. If you do not recieve one by the end of next week, please send an email to and CC


New rigid materials guidelines

Hello Avacal,

Based upon the questions we have had in the last while about rigid material in the fencing community a testing procedure has been developed.  We tried to keep the test materials basic and ones that can be commonly found.  Using this procedure untreated leather was tested and it has been found that 10oz of untreated leather is the equivalent of rigid material for Fencing. 

Note, this procedure and results do NOT apply to armoured combat.

The document and the testing data are on the KEM document webpage (the new one not the old one).

If you have any further questions please contact myself or Master William.

Thank you,

Iarla Fergus
Avacal KEM