Events Calendar
Join us for one of the many events in our Kingdom! Interested in hosting an event? Learn all about it!
The annual Ayresgarde holiday affair is upon us! Prepare to be dazzled by our bardic and A&S defenderships, your tastebuds tantalized by our fabulous feast and of course all of the other mischief and mayhem one can expect from your favourite shire to the south.
Adult Event Registration - $0
Adult Member Discount Event Registration - $0
Youth Registration (0-17) - $0
Feast Details:
A spectacular festive array prepared by our very own Sylve Leslie, menu TBD. Please check the website for updates and further details.
Feast fee (adult) - $20
Feast fee (youth, 12 - 17) - $10
Feast fee (children, 0 - 11) - $0
Feast Steward: Sylve Leslie
TRMs plan to attend.